7. Match Orders

Matching orders is to fill the offers or listings with traders' corresponding actions to buy or sell the NFTs for the transactions to be completed.

Initialize SDK

  • You need to initialize the SDK in order to use it.

Match Orders

  • To select the correct order, please refer to Offers.

  • Parameters needed:



  • Purchase the NFT with offerId = 31

    1. Initialize the client

    2. Purchase NFT

package main

import (

func main() {
    accountName := "Alice"//Zecrey NFT Marketplace SDK will automatically add the suffix ".zec" to the name
    seed := "0x6a1a320d14790f2d9aa9a37769f4833d583a3f7f974fd452a3990aeb0e7a6052" //l2 seed
    var offerId int64 = 31 //select a listed NFT
    AssetAmount = big.NewInt(1000000000000000000) //the amount used to purchase
    isSell := false
    c, err := sdk.NewClient(accountName, seed) 	 
    if err != nil { panic(err) }
    result, err := c.AcceptOffer(offerId, isSell, AssetAmount)//false represents "buy" while true represents "sell"
    if err != nil { panic(err) }
    data, _ := json.Marshal(result)

Example result

  • Information about the status change of the target order will be returned. Please refer to Offers for the status information.

  • The information returned is all about the target order except for "account_name".

        "account_name":"Alice",//User's account name
        "payment_asset_amount":"1.000000000000000000",//This corresponds to the relative value of 10^18 of the AssetAmount(1000000)
        "status":"2", //Status changed to 2

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