Manage NFT Transactions

Enter Zecrey NFT Marketplace on L2-Legend, and click into the upper right corner to view My Orders, where all of your NFT transactions are recorded. You can view and manage them in different categories including Ordering, Offers, Purchases and Sold.


Ordering is all the ongoing transactions that haven't been finished yet, and it could be the offers you received, the offers you made, and the NFTs you listed for sale. Click to see the details and proceed to the next step according to the transaction type.


Offers include offers you made and offers you received, shown in Offer Made and Offer Received respectively. Click to see the details and proceed to the next step according to the transaction type.


Purchases are the records of the NFTs you acquired by purchase. Click to see the details and view the transaction on Zecrey Explorer.


Sold is the records of the NFTs you sold to others. Click to see the details and view the transaction on Zecrey Explorer.

Last updated